KM4DEV 2002 Workshop - Draft Agenda

Location: ISNAR, The Hague, Netherlands

Date: November 13-14, 2002


Time Theme
0800 Coffee and Tea
0830 Introductions and Agenda

Getting to know each other as part of a community is as important to a Community of Practice as the content itself. This session could comprise both individual introductions and an exercise in getting to know each other.

0930 Asking the Right Questions - The start of the KM4DEV FAQ

Having collected questions online prior to the workshop, this session will validate and consolidate the questions coming up with a core set of questions about KM4DEV to work on during the workshop.

1030 Break
1100 KM Peer Assists

We will look for three volunteers for this session who would like help from the group in implementing some aspect of their KM work. We will break up into three sub-groups, each of which will have a Peer Assistee.

Day One - Peer Assistees

Jennifer Spence - UNDP

The Drylands Development Initiative - Nairobi

Jawed Ludin - Bond

KM and Networks

Brendan O'Brian - UNFPA


1230 Lunch (to be provided)
1400 Organisational Experiences (AAR Style)

Presentations from groups within KM4DEV on their organisational experiences with KM. Presentations will be made After Action Review style.

Bruno Laporte - World Bank

KM at the World Bank

Nancy White - FullCircle Associates

Working with the CGIAR in Africa

Yared Kiflom -- UNDP

UNDP SURF for Central and East Africa

1530 Break
1600 Techniques, Tools, Tips (Birds of a Feather Sessions)

Presentations on new tools, approaches, techniques that some members of the community may not be familiar with. Possible options here are:


Social Network Analysis

Facilitating Communities of Practice

Collaborative Technologies

Open Source / Open Content

Participants will determine sessions in advance. (Contact Mark Faul for details.)

1700 Day One Wrap-up

Brief 10 minute review of the day.

1800 Wine and Cheese (hosted by IICD)
2000 Process Group Meeting

Before the workshop starts we will solicit a 6-8 member process group to help keep the workshop on track. The group will meet at 8pm to review and possibly adapt the next day's agenda.

Day Two

Time Theme
0800 Coffee and Tea available
0830 Review of Day One and Group Work

Check with the group and presentation/validation of any changes to the agenda. Also, another community building exercise.

900 Organisational Experiences (AAR Style)

Presentations from groups within KM4DEV on their organisational experiences with KM. Presentations will be made After Action Review style.

Kenneth King (To be confirmed)

Review of KM at 4 Development Agencies

Barbara Brown - CIDA



1030 Break
1100 Understanding KM in the Context of Development?

This will seek to relate KM more deeply and more practically to development. It will address such issues as inter vs. intra-organisational KM, North vs. South issues, and internal vs. external KM approaches. This session will seek to define more sharply the relevant aspects of KM for development.

1230 Lunch (to be provided)
1400 Providing KM as a Service

Looking at what it means to provide KM as a service both within your organisation and to client / partner groups.

1530 Break
1600 Consolidation of FAQ

A review of the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions.

1700 Workshop Wrap-up and After Action Review (AAR) of the Workshop

Closing remarks and then asking the 3 magic questions.

Last updated by kmfordev admin Jun 1, 2009.

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